While working with shows like The Walking Dead and Netflix’s Atypical, Lossada’s distinct style has become her trademark. Companies seek her out, looking to have her put her touch on their productions, knowing she will help make them a success. An example of this is with Disney. Lossada has worked on many projects with one of the most identifiable brands in the world, and she constantly impresses. Recently, Lossada worked on the opening of their new series Raven’s Home. The opening, which was been released as a teaser for the series, generated a lot of buzz and anticipation for the show, all thanks to Lossada.
Lossada’s first big success with Disney was on their healthy living spot Be Inspired with The Lion Guard. The series of videos are meant to educate children on living healthy and active lifestyles. They feature characters from Disney’s classic The Lion King and children doing fun exercises on screen that can be followed by viewers at home.
“I was really interested in working on this project because it encourages kids to do a fitness activity. I fall under the category of a millennial, I did spend most of my time outside, playing with my cousins or neighbors when I was young. Nowadays, I feel like we don’t see it that often. Most of the times we see three to seven-year-old kids playing with their iPads and technological gadgets. This new programming encourages kids around the world to live a healthy lifestyle,” said Lossada.
When Disney Jr was looking for a way to motivate children, several top motion graphics companies pitched their ideas. It was Lossada’s that won out. While working at Big Machine, she was asked to help on the pitch by coming up with a couple of designs that were playful, colorful and look like they were made from paper. Using her signature style of mixed textures, and a combination of The Lion King’s world, she was able to achieve the look that Disney Jr. was looking for.
After agreeing to terms for the project, Lossada had a conference call in which Disney Jr. voiced several different concerns, including how they would treat the animated characters as well as how they would be implemented in the live action world. Disney wanted the animated characters to be abstract, and Lossada came up with the idea of animating the silhouettes of characters, which is not easy. Lossada took the challenge with ease. The characters are seen doing a variety of physical activities such as jumping jacks, planks and running. Ensuring that they were no glitches and the silhouettes remained intact while going through physical activity proved to be a challenge, however Lossada and her team were able to collaborate and get the job done. She created the live action set that was used for the show.
In addition to her design duties, it was Lossada’s responsibility to ensure that everyone in the group had the current and relevant notes on the project. As the lead designer, she succeeded in maintaining a constant flow of information that allowed everyone involved to be up-to-date regarding exactly what the next steps would be. She also worked to create a music video that had the animated characters singing and dancing along with the child actors in a live action environment.
“In a word, working with Ana was awesome. She inspires confidence with her immense talent, and her positive attitude make dealing with the inevitable client changes and revisions that much easier. With Ana on the project, I always felt like we could handle whatever the client threw our way. She has amazing technical skills and innate artistic talent, but those are not the only things that make her so good. It's her upbeat attitude, consistent hard work and obvious love for what she does that make her such a rock star. She is one of those gifted people that you can build a project (or an office) around. She is just amazing in every way,” said Jon O’Neil, who worked with Lossada on Be Inspired with The Lion Guard.
Throughout the project, all of Lossada’s skills were put to use, ranging from designing to illustrating and even animating. The result of such a combination of talents is why Lossada is such an in-demand motion graphics designer. She is never afraid of admitting when she doesn’t know something, and in this case, she learned an entirely new software in a short time in order to make the project the best it could be. Her work was essential to Be Inspired with The Lion Guard’s success. She created graphics at a rapid pace, while still being creative and working at a high-quality.
Be Inspired with The Lion Guard can still be seen throughout the day between various shows on Disney Jr. The project was such a success that the network created a second show with the same message, Be Your Best with Miles, featuring Miles from Miles from Tomorrowland, which Lossada also took charge of.
“Disney Jr. merged the gap between technology and fitness. They have the advantage of their TV programming to encourage kids to live a healthy lifestyle. Kids could be sitting watching TV and during commercial, their favorite characters pop up in screen doing fitness activities, asking for them to join as well,” concluded Lossada.
Watch Be Inspired with The Lion Guard here.